Why Become a Member?

By joining us as a member, you help us continue to shape, influence, and improve public policy through the provision of high-quality independent economic and social research.

Our research findings are frequently referred to by journalists, policy-makers and academics. Our work examines the effects government policies have on individuals, with our conclusions leading the public debate and providing insight that empowers people to understand the forces which affect their own lives.

Completely independent of all party-political interests, we receive no core funding from government or other sources.  We are also not in the fortunate position of having a large endowment fund to draw up.

How you can help

Almost all of our income is achieved through winning research grants, a testament to both the reputation and quality of the work that we undertake. However, to achieve lasting impact and examine the issues that matter now, we need your help. The income attained through our different levels of membership gives us the ability to quickly respond to policy announcements, challenge current thinking and hold governments to account.

What is included?

We offer an individual membership option and two different levels of organisational membership. All of them have been tailored to provide you with access, insight and recognition at affordable level. Additionally, with our corporate membership packages we are happy to work with you to create a bespoke solution to enable you to connect with policymakers, thought leaders, academics and other organisations with a shared interest in economic and public policy issues.

Explore our Packages Discover our Impact

Some of our current research


Macroeconomic Context


Living Standards

Contact us

John Alessi

John Alessi

Partnership Development Manager
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Margherita Servente

Events Assistant
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