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Website data and qualitative case studies for the analysis of Industrial Clusters

Event date
Friday, 29 April, 2016
Event time
08:30 to 12:00
Event place
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Event Type
In-person event
  • This event has passed.

This workshop builds on the findings of a recent research project commissioned by BIS and conducted by NIESR, SpazioDati and City REDI. This event aims to stimulate a broader discussion on the merits and limitations of “Big Data” techniques to classify companies and to investigate industrial clusters.

SpazioDati is a startup based in Trento (Italy) that operates at the crossroads between Big Data and Semantic Web. It offers solutions for the analysis of complex unstructured data, such as the data collected from corporate websites. Nicola Sambin and Michele Barbera will represent SpazioDati at the workshop and discuss the main challenges and solutions in mining knowledge from corporate websites.

City REDI is a new research institute within the Birmingham Business School working to develop the academic understanding of major city regions across the globe. Paulina Ramirez will present insights from qualitative case studies on UK Industrial Clusters and discuss the extent to which qualitative data can be used to complement and to refine quantitative data emerging from “Big Data” techniques.

Further information about the project can be found here.




9.30 am


Registration & coffee


10.00 am




Session 1


10.10 am


Large scale corporate web analysis for business intelligence

Michele Barbera (SpazioDati)

10.45 am

Companies’ website data and industrial clusters in the UK: a project for BIS

Michele Bernini (NIESR)


11.20 am          

Big Data and Geographic Research

Max Nathan (City REDI, University of Birmingham and LSE)


11.55 am


What do qualitative studies add to “Big Data”?

Paulina Ramirez (City REDI, University of Birmingham)


12.30 pm





13.00 pm



The workshop is free but registration is required. To ensure attendance please RSVP to me, Luca Pieri:

Email: l.pieri [at] niesr.ac.uk

Tel: 020 7654 1931


Date: Friday 29th  April 2016

Time: 09.30am-13.00pm

Venue: National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 2 Dean Trench St, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HE



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29 April 2016
08:30 - 12:00


National Institute of Economic and Social Research
2 Dean Trench StreetSmith Square
London, SW1P 3HE United Kingdom
020 7222 7665


In-person event