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The Economic Record of the Coalition Government

Event date
Thursday, 5 February, 2015
Event time
10:00 to 12:30
Event place
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Event Type
In-person event
  • This event has passed.

NIESR will host a press briefing and launch event for the February 2015 issue of the National Institute Economic Review on Thursday 5 February, from 10.30 (10am registration/coffee) to 12.30. This issue will feature five articles examining the economic record of the 2010-15 government:

-    Simon Wren-Lewis, Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford, examines macroeconomic policy and performance

-    Nicholas Crafts, Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, looks at supply-side policies and the impact on growth

-    Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Advisor at the Centre of Economics and Business Research, on the productivity puzzle

-    Rebecca Allen, Reader in the Economics of Education at the UCL Institute for Education, on education policy

-    Declan Gaffney, lartsocial.org, on welfare reform

Each author will briefly present their key findings, and there will be time for questions and discussion.


Date: Thursday 5 February 2014

Time: 10.30am-12.30pm (registration/coffee from 10am).

Venue: National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 2 Dean Trench St, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HE


The event is free but registration is required. Places are limited, therefore to ensure attendance please RSVP to Luca Pieri:

Email: l.pieri [at] niesr.ac.uk

Tel: 020 7654 1931 

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5 February 2015
10:00 - 12:30


National Institute of Economic and Social Research
2 Dean Trench StreetSmith Square
London, SW1P 3HE United Kingdom
020 7222 7665


In-person event