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City Deals Conference

Event date
Thursday, 10 September, 2015
Event time
12:00 to 16:00
Event place
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Event Type
In-person event
  • This event has passed.

City Deals have not only become an important part of local economic development strategies, they now play a significant role in discussions of the future governance and government of UK city-regions. ESRC Knowledge Exchange Leaderships Fellows based at Policy Scotland are organising a seminar at which leading academics will take stock of the development of City Deals to date.

The seminar, held at the NIESR offices, 2 Dean Trench Street, Smith Square, London SW10 3HE from 1300-1700 on 10th September will feature a systematic overview of City Deals, which vary in their scale, emphasis, governance and spatial coverage. They include a range of approaches to prioritising, financing and delivering investments. Different city-regions have encountered different issues in developing visions, governance arrangements and closing Deals. The event will include discussion of the impact of the growing Deal programmes on public finances, their interactions with a changing local government financing system and their implications for territorial equity, issues that have not so far been widely aired.

Our programme, which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, is also considering ways in which City Deals, in present or amended forms, might serve as a workable model for significant, longer-term devolution in England. Although Scotland and Wales will be getting further powers, major cities in these countries have concerns that they could lose out if some of those powers are not handed on.  The cities agenda and the debate about devolution to nations are inextricably linked, but are currently treated separately by the UK government.  

The seminar will be led by Professor Duncan Maclennan, one of Britain’s leading regional economists, and an international authority on city strategy having worked in both government and academia in Australia and Canada as well as in the UK.  Duncan will be joined by leading academic colleagues whose research is relevant to the changing economic, fiscal and governance landscape arising from city deals. A panel of think tank representatives and practitioners from cities, whose knowledge and insights are vital ingredients in this conversation, will respond on the policy issues raised.

Date: Thursday 10th September

Time: 13:00-17:00

Venue: NIESR Offices, 2 Dean Trench Street, Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HE

Registration: Please email Emma.Smith.2 [at] glasgow.ac.uk () to register. Space is limited and early registration is recommended.

Programme for the Day:

1-1.30 pm Sandwich lunch

1.30-1.40   Introduction by Event Chair: Sir John Elvidge, Former Permanent Secretary, Scottish Government  

1.40-2.30  City Deals: Origins, Aims, Progress and Challenges: Taking Stock.

Duncan Maclennan, University of Glasgow, supported by David Waite (Cardiff University) Des McNulty and Alice Oldfield (both University of Glasgow) followed by Q & A

2.20-3.00   Looking beyond deals:

Alan Harding (University of Liverpool) followed by Q & A

3.00- 3.30 Discussion led by Jonathan Portes (NIESR)

(i) The challenge facing local government in the spending review

(ii) LGA/CIPFA Commission proposals on local government finance

3.30-3:50    Coffee/Tea

3:50-4.50   What Next: Provocations Panel.

Charlotte Aldritt (Secretary to the RSA Growth Commission) will lead a discussion with Paul Swinney (Centre for Cities), Tony Travers (LSE) and Chris Murray (Core Cities)

4.50-5.00.  How does this play into Constitutional Change

Adam Tomkins, Duncan Maclennan and Des McNulty

To RSVP or for any conference enquiries, please get in touch with Emma Smith. Space is limited and early registration is recommended.
Emma.Smith.2 [at] glasgow.ac.uk


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10 September 2015
12:00 - 16:00


National Institute of Economic and Social Research
2 Dean Trench StreetSmith Square
London, SW1P 3HE United Kingdom
020 7222 7665


In-person event