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Immigration policies for hospitality in a post-Brexit Britain

Event date
Tuesday, 31 January, 2017
Event time
08:30 to 10:15
Event place
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Event Type
In-person event
  • This event has passed.

How will Brexit impact your ability to employ international workers? Here’s your chance to understand the possible options and have your voice heard.

The Leave vote has left many employers concerned about the future of their business, especially since free movement looks certain to end. It’s crucial that future policy enables employers to continue to source the labour and skills they need – particularly in the hospitality industry, which employs a large number of EU migrants.

At this event, hosted in partnership between People 1st and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), you’ll hear from a series of industry experts who will give an overview of the current immigration situation in hospitality, and present the possible policy options government could explore post-Brexit.

You’ll also have the chance to take part in a round-table discussion where you’ll be able to understand, and feed back on, what each of those options could mean for your business.


Part 1: EU Immigration in the Hospitality Industry
8:30 - 9:15am

  • Introduction and overview of EU immigration in the sector: Heather Rolfe, NIESR
  • A view from the hospitality sector – Martin-Christian Kent, Executive Director, People 1st
  • Assessing the options from an employer’s perspective – TBC
  • A policy view – Wayne Diamond, Principal Social Researcher, BEIS Europe Directorate
  • Options for immigration policy: constraints and possibilities – Jonathan Portes, NIESR

Part 2: Round-table discussion
9:15 - 10:15am

  • Which areas of the business and sections of the workforce will be most affected by the end of free movement?
  • What are the opportunities for increasing levels of recruitment from within the UK?
  • What policies might be workable?

Following the event, NIESR will publish a report on our findings and recommendations for future policy – you’ll receive a free copy, and this information also will help inform future decisions on immigration policy. To ensure a free and frank discussion, no employers will be identified.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get vital information that will help your business prepare for future immigration policy changes and stay ahead of the game. Make sure you’re there!

This event is for hospitality employers and representatives of hospitality organisations.

RSVP to Luca Pieri l.pieir [at] niesr.ac.uk or go the People 1st eventbrite page



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31 January 2017
08:30 - 10:15


National Institute of Economic and Social Research
2 Dean Trench StreetSmith Square
London, SW1P 3HE United Kingdom
020 7222 7665


In-person event