Professor Alex Bryson

Alex is Professor of Quantitative Social Science at UCL’s Social Research Institute, and a Research Fellow at IZA, Rutgers and NIESR. He is an applied labour economist with a background in sociology and employment relations.

Research Interests

Alex’s research focuses on labour economics, employment relations and programme evaluation.


  • 2013 – University of Bristol, PhD Sociology


Additional Information

Alex Bryson’s CV

Publications in 2024

Blanchflower, D. G. and Bryson, A. (forthcoming) “Were COVID and the Great Recession Wellbeing Reducing?”, Plos One

Blanchflower, D. G. and Bryson, A. (forthcoming) “The gender well-being gap”, Social Research Indicators

Amossé, T., Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Petit, H. (2024) “The Micro-foundations of Employment Systems: An Empirical Case Study of Britain and France”, British Journal of Industrial Relations DOI: 10.1111/bjir.12812

Blanchflower, D. G. and Bryson, A. (2024) “The gender well-being gap”, Social Research Indicators

Blanchflower, D. G., Bryson, A. and Xu, X. (2024) “The declining mental health of the young and the global disappearance of the hump shape in age in unhappiness”, NBER Working Paper No. 32337

Blanchflower, D. G., Bryson, A., Lepinteur, A. and Piper, A. (2024) ”Further evidence on the global decline in the mental health of the young”, NBER Working Paper #32500

Böckerman, P., Bryson, A., Ilmakunnas, I. and Ilmakunnas, P. (2024) “Does High Involvement Management Make You Work Longer? Insights from Linked Survey and Register Data”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16827 and QSS Working Paper No. 24-01

Blanchflower, D. G. and Bryson, A. (2024) “The adult consequences of being bullied in childhood”, Social Science and Medicine, 345: 116690

Blanchflower, D. G., Bryson, A. and Spurling, J. (2024) ”The Wage Curve After the Great Recession”, Economica,  91, 362: 653-668

Blanchflower, D. G. and Bryson, A. (2024) ”The Consequences of Abuse, Neglect and Cyber-bullying on the Wellbeing of the Young”, NBER Working Paper #32119

Blanchflower, D. G. and Bryson, A. (2024) “The Female Happiness Paradox”, Journal of Population Economics, 37, 16: 1-27

Bryson, A., Buraimo, B., Farnell, A. and Simmons, R. (2024) ”Special Ones? The Effect of Head Coaches on Football Team Performance”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 71, 3: 295-322

Bryson, A. and White, M. (2024) ”Human resource management technology, workplace performance and employee wellbeing in the British public sector”, Labour, 38, 1: 102-121

Bryson, A. and Willman, P. (2024) ”How Should We Think About Employers’ Associations?”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 62, 2: 193-205