A Qualitative Investigation into the Experience of Workers in the Hospitality Sector in Scotland

The research examines experiences of fair work in the hospitality industry in Scotland, based on 30 semi-structured interviews and 14 video diaries with hospitality workers across Scotland. The report presents a diversity of voices and perspectives, including those of women, workers with recent histories of migration, and workers in rural and island locations in Scotland, many of whom face a unique set of challenges. The research was commissioned by the Fair Work Convention, an independent body that advises the Scottish Government on fair work.

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Summary & aims

This research examines experiences of fair work in the hospitality industry in Scotland. The research was commissioned by the Fair Work Convention, an independent body that advises the Scottish Government on advancing fair work for all in Scotland. The report will feed into their inquiry into the hospitality sector that will develop recommendations for the Scottish Government and the industry.

The report focuses on the perspectives and lived experiences of hospitality workers. In particular, it explores the impacts of precarious work, low pay and poor working conditions on the physical, mental and social well-being of those working in the hospitality industry. It also looks at how these experiences have been adversely affected by recent social and political events, particularly COVID-19, Brexit, industry-wide staff shortages and the cost-of-living crisis. The research presents a diversity of voices and experiences, including those of women, workers with recent histories of migration to Scotland and workers in rural and island locations in Scotland; many of whom face a unique set of challenges in the hospitality industry. The report additionally explores positive experiences of work among hospitality workers, relating particularly to their everyday relationships with customers and with co-workers.

Finally, the report looks at workers’ views and experiences of progression and training as well as communication and voice in the workplace.


We carried out the fieldwork between May and July 2022. It involved semi-structured interviews with 30 hospitality workers and video diaries with 14 hospitality workers.

Principal Investigator

A Qualitative Investigation into the Experience of Workers in the Hospitality Sector in Scotland
Senior Social Researcher


Jasmin Rostron
Associate Social Researcher
Private: Johnny Runge
Principal Social Researcher